© All rights reserved

Licensing Agreement


This document is an End-User License Agreement (EULA) applying to all "Professional Edition" sample libraries produced or copyrighted by Audiogrocery.

By purchasing, downloading, installing or using this sample library you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement and any new versions hereof.

1. Copyrights

• This Software, and all related files produced by the developer, as well as patches, updates and printed materials such as online documentation and hidden or visible contents (contained graphics, sound and data measurements), is copyrighted by Audiogrocery.

• "ORPHEUS sample library", is a trademark of Audiogrocery. All rights reserved.


2. Grants and Restrictions

• Non-licensed usage of this Sample Library is prohibited.

• You are not allowed to resell, lend, rent, sublicense or in other ways transfer the Sample Library.

• You cannot give licenses or permissions to other persons or companies to use your final audio composition
(which contains Orpheus samples) in third party productions such as new compositions, remixes etc.

• You cannot upload this product, or any of the sounds and samples on it to any server.

• You cannot use this product for teaching or any sort of presentations without owning the product.

• You are not allowed to organize concerts (or any other events) and invite singers who are not the original performers. You can contact Audiogrocery and request the original singer's contacts to invite them for such concert/show events.

• Sound produced by this Sample Library can only be distributed within a musical context, and not in forms that allow the sounds to be used as sample based instruments or sample libraries.

• You are not allowed to modify, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or redistribute this Sample Library or any parts of it.

• All sounds and samples in this product can be used in any type of music production, computer games , musicals, video production, broadcast, theatre or similar finished content creation and production use.